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Jacksonville Council Navy League of the US emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community, and a desire for actions to speak Louder than words. Established in 1954 we are an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. Contact us to learn more and get involved. The Jacksonville council of the Navy League of the US is charged with responsibility to the stated missions of the national organization in our local area. We hold what amounts to a frachise to do our best to advance those causes. We depend on passionate individuals to help us perform at a high level. Working together we can accomplish remarkable things that benefit our local area as well as strengthening the sea services we depend upon for national defense. We have been assigned three specific missions 1. Enhance the moral of active duty Sea Services personnel and their families 2. Inform Congress and the American people of the importance of strong US seapower 3. Support and educate young people about the Sea Services through youth programs likke the Naval Sea Cadets Corps, Naval Junior ROTC, and others Our value as a Navy League Council is measured by the performance of our accomplishments; NOTHING ELSE. Programming and community engagement are at the core of our strategy. We invest heavily in supporting the development of integrated solutions and delivering reliable tools to those who need them most. Discover more about our innovative campaigns below and get in touch to stay up to date regarding our latest efforts. Wh have specifice duty to inform the citizens of Northeast Florida as well as our business, civic, and elected governmental leaders about the vital importance of locally based sea service activities to the local ecomomy. Taken together, our sea services generate the largest single industry contribution to our local economy; more than 15 billion dollars annually. While we might regard this contribution as reasonably secure, there is always pressure to increase the efficiency of military spending. This has lead to major realignments of resources in the past that have hurt our community significantly; largely because of political pressures favoring other areas. Guarding against such losses in the future depends upon maintaining close and supportive relationships with our congressional representatives. Accomplishing that is largely base on keeping the importance of the sea service in the top-of-mind awareness among local leaders and citizens alike. The most effective advocacy comes from the bottom up. Keeping it coming is our job as Navy Leaguers. Imagine how tough it is to raise a family when one parent or the other is gone for months at a time; often on missions that include the possibility of injury or death. Given the nature and location of threats to our national security, sea service deployments are getting longer and longer while assignments ashore are getting harder to find. The result is what seems like ever increasing pressure on sea service families to hold it together. Since we all recognize the our nation's future depends on our youth, it makes perfect sense that we do everything we can to aid the development of positive character traits in young people. The Jacksonville Council aims to make contributions that help young people develop into tomorrow's leaders and become productive adults.

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